The expertise of a CPO

With the flexibility you need

Want your product innovation to move faster? Customers difficult to acquire or not using your features?

Product Rebel can help.

It’s easy to build products…

It’s hard to build commercially successful ones.

Nothing beats releasing a new product or feature to market. Yet 80% of features are used very little or not at all. All that effort becomes wasted when you could have been building something customers really want. What’s more, getting features released in the first place becomes increasingly slow as teams, products and companies scale.

Deciding what to build and when, is the critical decision to enable growth. One that can be hard to get right amongst the noise of customer demands, competitor pressure and ever-evolving tech.

Drive growth with your flexible CPTO

My mission is to help start-ups and scale-ups get the most from software development. Here are some of the ways I help organisations succeed:

  • Act as a part-time, flexible Product Leader when you don’t need a full time CPTO

  • Build and upskill software teams and processes

  • Fix challenges with product / market fit - increasing customer acquisition and retention

  • Resolve delivery problems and help you get value-building software out of the door

  • Coach and advise founders and product leaders

I bridge the gap to unlock your success.

We’d love to work with you.